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<p>Dr. Somsak Jeamteerasakul, a prominent historian from Thammasat University, is another victim of lese majeste law. The Thai army has officially filed a complaint against Dr. Somsak and he is due to hear the detail of the charge at Nang Lerg Police Station in Bangkok this coming Wednesday at 10am.</p>
By Article 112: Awareness Campaign |
<p>Since 19 September 2006, a large number of individuals have been directly and indirectly affected under Section 112 of the Criminal Code, also known as the l&egrave;se majest&eacute; law&rdquo;. Statistics from 2005 to 2009 reveal that there have been 547 l&egrave;se majest&eacute; cases altogether. 247 cases have reached a verdict. In April 2011 alone, this law has been used against Thai citizens in a wide number of occasions, as reported in the news. Here are the cases: </p>
By Pravit Rojanaphruk, The Nation |
<p>Accused by some of being mentally unsound, academic Somsak Jiamteerasakul continues his calls for reforms</p> <p>Thammasat University historian Somsak Jiamteerasakul is probably the most under-reported public intellectual in Thailand. That's not because he doesn't have anything to say; quite the contrary in fact. A vocal critic of the Thai monarchy and the country's lese-majeste law, Somsak has long been treated by most mainstream mass media as persona non grata.</p>
By Marwaan Macan-Markar |
<p>BANGKOK, Apr 28, 2011 (IPS) - History professor Somsak Jeamteerasakul has weathered a storm of insults since mid-December for doing the forbidden: he offered an alternative assessment of the most dominant institution in the country, its monarchy, in a forum at his university. Now military officials are dropping hints he could face more than just verbal attacks.</p>
By Asian Human Rights Commission |
<p>At a press conference in Thailand on 24 April 2011, Somsak Jeamteerasakul and several coalitions of academics, human rights activists, and journalists released statements calling for the protection of freedom of speech in Thailand. These statements were in response to a series of blatant threats made towards Somsak over comments that some people have considered amounted to criticism of the royalty. Somsak's statement at this event is available on the independent news website, Prachatai:; </p>
By Article 112: Awareness Campaign |
<p>&nbsp;&ldquo;Article 112: Awareness Campaign&rdquo; is a group of individuals from different walks of life who are concerned with the Article 112 of the Thai Criminal Code as a serious threat to rights, freedoms and democracy. Over the past 5 years, there has been a sharp increase in the number of those accused and prosecuted on charges of lese majeste. This undeniably represents seriousness of the problems with the law which, in order to find the solution, requires open public discussions and studies.</p>
By Pravit Rojanaphruk, The Nation |
<p>Thammasat University historian Somsak Jiamteerasakul said yesterday he's ready to fight any lese-majeste charges and prove his innocence - but the military must cease what he called harassment that was frightening his family.</p>
By Somsak Jeamteerasakul |
<p>During the last decade, I have written several academic and general articles on the monarchy, and have spoken publicly about this issue. I have never used these occasions to propose the so called &ldquo;lom chao&rdquo; or &ldquo;overthrowing the monarchical institution.&rdquo; Each and every one of my public statement and written work is premised on the assumption of the continuation of the monarchy.</p>
By Scholars of Thai studies located outside Thailand |
<p>As scholars of Thai Studies located outside the country, we have watched with deepening apprehension as the space for the free exchange of ideas has dwindled in Thailand since the 19 September 2006 coup. This constriction of thought and speech has intensified since the violence of April-May 2010, with the notable examples of the detention of Dr. Suthachai Yimprasert, assistant professor of history at Chulalongkorn University, by the Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation in April 2010, the charges filed against Mr.</p>
By Santiprachatham |
<p>Amid political conflicts which have increasingly grown intense since the coup in 2006, people who hold differing political views from the powers that be have been subject to ever more threats to their rights and freedoms.&nbsp; The threat has also extended to academia, with Assoc Prof Dr Somsak Jeamtheerasakul being the latest victim, as a result of his expression of opinions about the role and status of the monarchy in Thai society in several academic forums. </p>
By Pravit Rojanaphruk, The Nation |
<p>Political activists and associates of high-profile Thammasat University historian Somsak Jiamteerasakul have reacted with shock to the lese-majeste charge filed against him.</p>
<p>Somsak Jeamtheerasakul, a staunch critic of the monarchy, has been threatened with lese majeste charges.&nbsp; He and other academics will hold a press conference tomorrow at Thammasat University.</p>