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By Harrison George |
<div>After Bangkok deported an outspoken Cambodian activist, Phnom Penh has agreed to help Thailand in hunting for Thai fugitives. </div>
<p dir="ltr">Thai authorities have requested Lao PDR to extradite a group of five to six Thais for producing radio programmes deemed defamatory to the Thai Monarchy, even though this would be forbidden under the extradition treaty.</p> <p></p>
By Harrison George |
<p>Years and years ago, when I was still trying to figure out who really ruled the world (I now know – it’s misogynistic, racist, bigoted braggarts with strange hair and an even stranger attitude to the truth), an unusual thing happened in Thailand.&nbsp;</p> <p>The civilian government of the day suddenly found a sliver of spine and tried to tell the military that their lethal-toys-for-the-feral-boys budget might not be as excessive as they wished.&nbsp; Predictable outrage from personages with starch-pressed uniforms and ditto minds.</p>
<p>The Thai junta is trying hard to press other countries to extradite political exiles for allegedly defaming the revered Thai monarchy, saying that they should think twice about their long term relations with Thailand, after claiming that the exiles caused the biggest single day loss on the Thai stock market.</p>
<div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div> <div>Noam Chomsky, a respected linguist and critic of US foreign policy, on Sunday emailed Pavin Chachavalpongun to give moral support after the latter reportedly became a target of the Thai junta for his comments on the Thai coup, according to Pavin.&nbsp;</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>In the email, Chomsky expresses concerns over Pavin’s safety.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>“I am deeply disturbed to learn about the threats against Professor Pavin Chachavalpongun. </div></div></div>